37th Annual Reunion
March 19, 2023 in White Sands, NM
The Bataan Memorial Death March in White Sands, New Mexico is fast approaching. Thousands of service members and civilians, descendants, make the trek to remember and honor the defenders of Bataan in WW2. To some this has become a pilgrimage.
The FILVETREP organization will have an educational presentation, and a Congressional Gold Medal award ceremony during the packet pick-up to be held at the Las Cruces Convention Center.
For the event website with more information and registration details, click on: https://bataanmarch.com/
This is just a partial list of PSHS members and friends who are going (let’s reinforce them!):
Phil. Scout veteran George Bach and daughter
Paul and Haz Ruiz
Marc Ochoa-Yim
Tony Taguba
Oscar Hilman
Thelma Sevilla
Lilly and Dan Kittredge
Victor Verano
…and counting